Debunking Four Common Logo & Branding Myths

One of the biggest frustrations we hear from even the most inspiring business owners is that their logo or brand identity doesn't feel right and / or finding the right logo is a major roadblock to their success. Despite hours researching what makes the perfect logo and trying different designs, they just don’t seem to be getting the results they want.

Fear not, Arcana Studio is here to dispel the most common myths we hear about logo and branding for your small business. We’ll also share some actionable tips to help you think about your business’s brand strategy along the way. Take a deep breath, grab your pen and paper and let’s get to it! 



I need the perfect logo before I can do anything else in my business. It’s the most important part of the brand!

First off - the most important part of your brand is YOU. We understand that the logo feels important because it’s basically the face of your business – on the website, business cards, packaging – the list goes on, but that’s exactly the point. Your logo is rarely shown by itself! It’s (almost) always accompanied by other pieces of branding. Your logo itself doesn’t tell your message, but how it is used in collaboration with your entire brand identity is how you’ll reach your soul customers!

This is why holistic branding is actually the most powerful tool you can invest in upfront and early in your business – not just the logo as a standalone. You should always do both together. Branding gives you a guiding framework of principles on how to strategically use your brand toolkit like logos, colours and fonts.

We completely understand that it seems like a huge investment upfront, especially when you’re bootstrapping or just starting out. Many boutique studios (like us!) have custom branding packages tailored for whatever stage of growth your business is in. We want to meet you where you’re at.



my logo needs to reflect exactly what my company does

Does it? Honestly, no!

Think about what the top-level message you want to deliver to your dream customer. That is what your logo should communicate – not necessarily a visual representation of your services.

Imagine for a moment that you run an environmentally conscious coffee shop. While the message you want to convey to your earth-loving customers is your commitment to a fully sustainable journey from bean to cup but instead, you chose a visual representation of your coffee services. Your logo ends up being a generic coffee cup and you appear undifferentiated from other coffee shops. See what we’re getting at? Both lead to very different logo concepts.

Your unique message is your special sauce. Spend time before you think about logo and branding to really understand and write down your goals, values, and future forward vision. Refining your brand strategy and key messaging leads to a stronger brand storytelling. Run your messaging by friends and family to get a good sense of whether or not it’s resonating - better yet, we can help by giving you a FREE 15-minute brand audit - something we love to do!



my logo needs to be timeless / simple / trending / etc.

It definitely is nice if your logo is [insert all the adjectives], but not doing so doesn’t mean that your company is destined to fail (or succeed!). We want you to focus on what is right for your brand, vision and industry – rather than what you see on Pinterest. What works for someone else’s business may not necessarily work for yours!

For example, a logo that is not trending with your industry may actually be a key part of your brand when you consider that your company values is to be a trailblazer and chart your own path. Go with what resonates with your company’s mission and values and check your misconceptions at the door. 

If nailing down a visual for your branding is just too DIY or not in your wheelhouse, that’s no problem! You can always lean on a professional studio to help you craft a brand strategy that resonates with your business. Everyone should play to their strengths and what feels most aligned. You might be surprised by how far it can go! 



the logo and brand absolutely has to match my own personal style!

Honestly, this is the most common thing we hear from business owners when talking about their company logo. The question, “Do I like it?” often is the first one raised when looking at a new logo concept.

We know this may be hard to hear (as your business IS your baby), but newsflash – your logo doesn’t necessarily need to reflect your own personal taste. Instead, you should judge a logo by whether or not it successfully conveys your company’s mission and key messaging to your dream clients.

This means making objective and strategic business decisions over an emotional one. Setting the expectations and doing the research to understand your audience is critical to setting the direction you want to go. Grab our ideal client discovery workbook to help you gain a clear understanding on who your audience is and how to reach them!

Arcana Studio Lorena Chan

About Lorena

Hi, I’m Lorena! I’m a designer, charcuterie lover and mom of one.

I help impactful business owners, with a vision to do things differently, build amazing brand strategies and identity – so the branding can tell their mission and story for them.


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