We're emboldened by the same spirit that drives you.

You can't imagine yourself doing anything other than what you're doing right now. It's tough, but extremely rewarding. You're ready for more - more clarity, more growth and more impact.
Cheers to Growth →


01 / Branding Foundations & Visuals

Foundations. Strategy. Logo and Visuals.

Snapshot of a mood board
Mock up of a computer screen showing a website designed by Arcana Studio

02 / Website Design

Design. Build. Development.

03 / Your Fractional CBO (Chief Brand Officer)

Packaging. Strategy. Marketing. Offerings.

Mock up of packaging for a company called the New Ying designed by Arcana Studio



Interior Design


Healing & Wellness

Consumer Products

Social Impact + DEI


A photo of Lorena Chan, founder of Arcana Studio


Hey, I'm Lorena, the designer behind Arcana and partners with THE ultimate bees knees agency, At The Table.

Thanks for making your way to my spot on the internet.

No different than you, I followed an urge and found myself here - working with other like-minded, purpose-driven entrepreneurs to build and carry out their version of impact in the world. I'm cautiously optimistic, think in structured frameworks and struggle to drink enough water on a daily basis. I illustrate, co-exist with two felines and hand-in-hand with my husband at the beck-and-call  of two little human beings that we're constantly in awe and annoyance at.

If you've read this far, I'm incredibly grateful that you've taken the time to do so. I hope you find / take what you need and please make yourself at home.

Reach out if you're ready for more clarity, to wade above the unknowns and finally - breathe.